Do you ever think about the old phone equipment our mothers, fathers and grandparents used during their day?
To the right is a wall phone used in early days of telephone use.
They were crude compared to what we use today. But I know they were happy to have this one
since not many families did own one.
In the 1920's the phone below on the left was standard equipment. Of course then there was an operator who would answer soon after you picked up the receiver and ask you who you wanted her to connect you with.
Then the princess phones of the 1950's-60's:
Beautiful these old things to restore them to memory, an old dormant from 1920 still with me on the floor, dear greetings von Jasmin....
viele liebe Wochenendgrüße von Jasmin....der Herbst kommt nun recht schnell, herzlichst Jasmin..
many nice weekend greetings from jasmine .... the fall is now quite fast, cordially Jasmin
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