Thursday, September 9, 2010

September, Autumn Leaves, and what?

Here in East Texas we do not have a real autumn.  Summer runs on into October and the only cool days
are when there is a hurricane in the Gulf.  At least until November when it goes right to Winter.  Or at least our version of Winter.  I feel much more like cooking and this old apron from the store always reminds me of my grandmother who was never without hers.
Autumn leaves do fall here , oh boy do they!!! But it is nothing like the show in the New England states.

Of course, most of the trees in our yard are Live Oaks which  lose some of their leaves all year long but are
enternally green. These are beautiful to see however their roots rmess up patios and the ground too around them for some distance. They do not turn colors. They are evergreen like our pines.

We do get some color from pumpkins and Fall  decor.

The forests here in the southeastern part of  Texas are full of change.  In our neighborhood we are over run with deer that creep over from the National Forest just across the fence from our subdivision.
We have had twin baby deer born outside our breakfasst room windows.  We were late to work on that day,
just could not pull ourselves away during this double birth.
I love long walks this time of year when the weather changes and the world starts to cool off along with us from our blasting 100 degree days.
So am I ready for Autumn?  You betcha!!!!  Sound like Sarah Palin?
I will post some pictures of our yard after the actual leaf falling occurs. I am anxiously awaiting some of you  New England bloggers to post shots of your lovely trees when the leaves turn golden. Don't hold out on us now!!!

Time to pull out the brown transferware  which  I love to do. 

A little  time betwen this hot  humid summer and the autumn that is coming.

My favorite family china, Reynolds Spode.  I will be getting it out to use through Thanksgiving.  We use this especially for Thanksgiving where all my family come together.

And more Autumn decorating compliments of Martha Stewart. 


It's Just Dottie said...

I live on the lower Gulf Coast our seasons are just like yours. I really enjoyed your pictures of fall even though I am a summer kind of girl

Lynn said...

My daughter and son-in-law live in Elkins and I love getting to see the beautiful deer when we're there! Such pretty creatures. I'm ready for some fall too! I love summer, but this time of yr I start longing for some chilly weather!

Romantik Seelchen said...

liebe Grüße von Jasmin Deutschland,
es hat mir so gefallen, die wunderschönen alten Dinge,ich liebe sie auch, Erinnerungen aus vergangenen Zeiten...
es beginnt hier langsam der Herbst...