Friday, March 18, 2011

Baby Dishes

One thing I always like to find are baby dishes from earlier times.
Here I will show you an assortment of those currently in the store.
Above the next to oldest we have, pre 1900 Harker.

c 1880 Tunstall England which is the oldest.  Many had the alphabet around the outer rim as this one does.
This cute little one is unmarked.
The blue one also unmarked.  Quite heavy with inserts for adding hot water to keep baby's food warm.
An a later 1950's type in original box.  The graphics on the box are very colorful.
I enjoy seeing the different ones that are out there.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love your baby dishes! Wonderful. I have one dish that was my mother's. I need to blog about it for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Ladybug Creek